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Recruiting strategies – How do hiring managers and HR Business Partners work together? 5 tips

The HR Business Partner (HRBP) definition has dramatically changed over the years.  They wear two main hats – HR and business manager.  This includes the day to day HR issues of comp and benefits, guiding HR policies, etc.  But also includes understanding and contributing to the overall goals of the company. They need to be business minded, be employee focused, have the people skills and have a well-rounded knowledge of the operations.

The complexity and operational differences of departments (sales, finance, marketing, R&D, IT, operations, etc. etc.)  can be dramatic.  Keeping up for a hiring manager and HRBP can be daunting.  One important common ground and partnership for both HRBP and hiring manager’s – talent strategy/recruiting.

The main recruiting activities typically fall on the shoulder on the HR Business partner to find, hire and retain. The hiring manager typically look to them to develop the plan, tools, deliverables and then hire quickly with limited interaction or help. As a hiring manager – we have all been guilty of it at some point and need to invest time in the process and learn to work better and smarter together.

So, how can the hiring manager and HR business partner work better together and truly partner?

5 Tips for Success

1 – Planning – invest time and meet with your HRBP, strategy development.  Work with your HRBP on the developing a sound recruitment process.  Work together on your needs, culture and team dynamics.  Review job descriptions.  Make sure it covers the skills and requirements that work best for you.  What is the interview process?  How are you as the hiring manager going to make this easy for the candidate and the HR business partner?  Is this a new position or replacement?  Get buy-in from your HRBP

2 – The Recruitment Process – Work together on the process to attract a pool of job seekers.  Interview techniques, screening, assessment tools.  Who owns the different stages of the process?  Think about how you streamline and accelerate the process and attract and hire quality candidates.  Usually from department to department the process will differ some.  Build some common best practices.

3 – Re-occurring meetings – weekly or bimonthly meetings to review what is working, how to pivot or adjust the strategy until the hiring process is completed.  Review the process.  Is phone screening working?  What interview questions are important to you as the hiring manager.

4 – The offer letter – understand the offer, what is in it and what is going to be important to your future employee.  How do you handle the counter?  What is the process of approval and steps needed to keep it moving!  As the hiring manager you need to be involved and be a consultant.  Don’t take this for granted!

5 – The first day and onboarding – get involved.  Work with your HRBP to be an active and visible in the employee’s onboarding.  We’re talking about continuing to make the candidate/new employee feel wanted before they officially join the organization. Many a company has failed to do that, only to see their new employee never show up for their first day of work.

HRBP and the hiring manager should not be islands in recruiting which is often the case.  As the hiring manager you own the process.  The HRBP is there to help and do much of the heavy lifting.  Bridge the gap and develop that partnership.  The results will save you time, get you “A” talent and make your organization stronger.

There are more tips, details and ideas.  Please comment and share your experiences, tips and observations. Any comment is welcome!

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